Visual Basic 6 / Re:SOLUCIONADO- Algun ejemplo sencillo de SQLite
« en: Febrero 18, 2017, 08:29:35 pm »Hello,
This SQLite code is awesome. I have one question only. What about if the database has records of fields contacting russians, greek, japanese or etc. characters.
How to retrieve the correct encoding, because this way it returns the Unicode chars, but not converting them even if the proper Windows ANSI identifier is installed?
You should use the functions that ends with 16. If I remember correctly, there was an issue with the "prepare16" function (the one that creates the recordset). Or it didn't even existed in the code, so one should create it (using the other non-16 function as a template).
And I think you should open the database with the open16 function. Memory doesn't seem to be serving me correctly, since I've used this a long time ago! Anyway, feel free to post an example and we may look at it.